过去认为药物所致的急性再生障碍性贫血(以下简称急性再障),大多数为氯霉素所致,磺胺药引起者较少,笔者在临床工作中发现三例现报告如下: 例1:刘某,男,15岁,学生。入院前十天因咳嗽、咳痰、痰中带血丝,在某院诊断支气管炎,用复方新诺明每日4片,连服三天后发现眼眶及颈部有瘀点,立即停药,但瘀点继续增多并累及双下肢,四天后出现肉眼血尿,拟“过敏性紫癜”,给予扑尔敏,强的松治疗无效,伴高热,于84年元月19日以急性再障收住院。平素身体健康。体检:体温39℃、呼吸
In the past that the drug-induced acute aplastic anemia (hereinafter referred to as acute aplastic anemia), mostly due to chloramphenicol caused by sulfa drugs less, the author found in the clinical work of three cases are as follows: Example 1: Ryu, male, 15 years old, student. Ten days before admission due to cough, sputum, bloody sputum sputum, in a hospital diagnosis of bronchitis, with cotrimoxazole daily 4 tablets, and even served three days after the discovery of orbital and neck petechia, immediate withdrawal, but Petechia continued to increase and involve both lower extremities, four days after the occurrence of gross hematuria, the proposed “allergic purpura”, given chlorpheniramine, prednisone treatment ineffective, with high fever, on January 19, 84 with acute recanalization admitted to hospital. Normal physical health. Physical examination: body temperature 39 ℃, breathing