本文从国民党政府政策的分析 ,认为国民党最终采取联共抗日的政策是逼出来的。但之所以能够逼成功 ,是因为有逼的先决条件。这就是从“九·一八”后国民党政府采取的基本国策 :“攘外必先安内”。有了共同的敌人 ,在一定的历史条件下就有可能逼成功
This article analyzes the government policy of the Kuomintang government and argues that the Kuomintang finally adopted the policy of the Communist anti-Japanese communism. But the reason why we can force the success is because of the forced prerequisites. This is the basic national policy adopted by the Kuomintang government since September 18th: “Animi will be the first to be rescued from external aggression.” With a common enemy, it is possible to force success under certain historical conditions