1998的年特大洪水给大庆市农业生产、生活造成巨大损失,所辖的肇源、林甸、杜蒙三个重灾县数十个村屯顿时变为废墟,数万亩良田受淹绝产,数万人无家可归。 洪水使全市村镇受灾范围之广、人数之众、倒塌房屋之多前所未有,对原本起步就晚、经济基础薄弱的村镇建设工作无疑是雪上加霜,但广大干部、群众面对严峻的形势不等不靠,在不到一年的时间里就高标准地建设了2.1万户灾民房,建设了56个
In 1998, the annual floods caused huge losses to Daqing’s agricultural production and livelihood. Dozens of villages under the jurisdiction of Zhaoyuan, Lindian and Dumont suddenly became ruins and tens of thousands of mu of farmland were flooded Tens of thousands are homeless. Floods have made the villages and towns in the city affected by a wide range of floods, with a large number of people and an unprecedented number of houses collapsed. It is undoubtedly worse than the initial construction of villages and towns that started out with a weak economic foundation. However, the broad masses of cadres and the general public are facing tough situations. , In less than a year to build a high standard of 21,000 victims homes, the construction of 56