《白云居法帖》为北宋著名书画家米芾的作品。是帖有十卷本,系清代嘉庆初年旌德姚学经据明·陈继儒《来仪堂帖》刻本集摹。清·钱泳在《履园丛话》卷九《伪法帖》碑帖门伪法帖一则中记述: “吴中既有伪书画,又造伪法帖,谓之充头货。旧有《含翠亭》伪帖,以宣城梅鼎祚《真娘墓诗》为米南宫诗。后有”元丰壬辰米芾书“字样。考元丰纪元,始戊午,终乙丑,而无壬辰,其为伪迹可知矣。……嘉庆初年,有旌德姚东樵者,目不识丁,而开清华斋法帖店,辄取旧法帖、假作宋、元、明人
”Baiyunju Fatian“ is the famous Northern Song Dynasty painter Mi 芾 works. This book is a volume of ten books, the Department of Qing Dynasty Jiaqing Yao Ming Jingde learned that according to Ming Chen Jiru ”to Yitang posts“ carved copy of the collection. Qing Qian Yong in the ”Footsteps of the Park Congratulations,“ Volume IX, ”pseudo-Fateh“ Beit Pseudopatis a note: ”Wu both pseudo-calligraphy and painting, and pseudo-Fateh, that the head of goods. Pavilion “Pseudo-post to Xuancheng Mei Ding 祚” Mother of the Empress tomb “for the Mi Nang Gong poem.After” Yuen Fung Renchen rice cake " Without Renchen, it is known as artifacts .... Jiaqing early in the year, there Jingde Yao Dong Qiao who do not know Ding, and open Qing Hua Zhai Fateh shop, take the old Fateh, False for the Song, Yuan, Ming