
来源 :世界宗教研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lau_lfm
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本文以探寻苏洵的文化信仰世界为例,认为他既不同于儒者先贤思孟学派着重关注内在道德之心性论,又不同于苏秦张仪讲机智权谋的纵横之术,其所具有的历史理性精神是北宋初期新儒者气象的典范。文中笔者将苏洵的文化信仰世界理解为三个部分的建构,即以因史修经为现实基础,经史互资为思想资源,理势相推为运思理路,其所蕴含的重要学术史价值在于,此学术路径是长期以来为学术界忽略的宋初三苏蜀学的思想发凡,而“蜀学”应当是北宋儒学复兴的重要组成部分。 Taking the exploration of Su Qiao’s cultural belief world as an example, this paper argues that he is different from the Confucian scholar-monk school of thought focusing on the inner-moral-nature-theory and different from Su Qin’s " Is the early Northern Song Dynasty neo-Confucianism weather model. In this article, I will interpret the Su Yun’s world of cultural beliefs as the construction of three parts, that is, taking the history of the Buddhist scriptures as the realistic basis, the historical mutual funds as the ideological resources, The value lies in that this academic path has long been ignored by academics in the Song and Song dynasties. The study of Shu and Shu should be an important part of the revival of Confucianism in Northern Song Dynasty.