
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjddstevens
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四川盆地的油气开采有许多传奇故事,它古老而年轻……说它古老,是因为其历史久远,首开世界钻井采气先河,可追溯至2250多年前的秦朝。西汉文学家杨雄在《蜀王本记》中记载:临邛有火井,深六十余丈。它比英国打出的第一口油井早1700多年。说它年轻,是缘于新中国成立后,在四川盆地建立起来的石油天然气工业开创了一个崭新的时代,四川油气田由小到大,由弱变强,特色技术优势凸显,规模和效益加速壮大,日益焕发出青春活力。成都市区一号桥头,美丽的锦江之滨,一座双子塔建筑巍然屹立,在秋日阳光照耀下这座雄伟的大厦格外壮观。四川油气田建设50周年成果展馆(简称展馆),就建在大厦的1至2楼。展馆2008年10月建成,是中国石油西南油气田公司和川庆钻探公司为纪念四川油气田建设50周年而共同投资新建的。展馆占地1500平方米左右,包括一个总展厅和一个主展厅。展馆以平面展出为主,由“巴蜀古韵星星圣火”等八个板块构成,图文并茂。布展设计与建筑场地相匹配,编年与纪实相结合,实物文物与历史事件相印证,少量仿真模型 There are many legendary stories in oil and gas exploration in the Sichuan Basin. It is ancient and young... It is ancient because it has a long history and first opened the world for drilling and gas exploration dating back to the Qin Dynasty (2250 years ago). Western Han Dynasty writer Yang Xiong in “Shu Wang Benji” records: Linqu there are wells, deep more than 60 feet. It lasted 1700 years earlier than the first well it hit. To say that it is young is due to the founding of new China, the oil and gas industry in Sichuan Basin established a brand new era, Sichuan oil and gas fields from small to large, from weak to strong, highlighting the advantages of special technology, the scale and effectiveness of growth to accelerate , Increasingly full of youthful vitality. Chengdu No. 1 bridge, the beautiful Jinjiang River, a twin tower towering towering buildings, in the autumn sun shining this magnificent mansion particularly spectacular. Achievements of the 50th anniversary of the construction of Sichuan Oil and Gas Field Exhibition Hall (referred to as the exhibition hall), built on the 1st to 2nd floor of the building. Built in October 2008, the pavilion is jointly invested by PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company and Chuanqing Drilling Company to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Sichuan oil and gas field construction. The exhibition hall covers an area of ​​1500 square meters, including a general exhibition hall and a main exhibition hall. Exhibition mainly to the exhibition plane, from the “Bashu ancient stars Flame ” and other eight plates, illustrated. Layout design and construction sites match, chronology and documentary combination of physical artifacts and historical events proof, a small number of simulation models