连日来,大连路明发光科技股份有限公司的员工为赶定单而加班加点,昼夜生产。来自德国的代理商已亲临滨城,督促产品运输。“9·11”事件后,“路明”的国外定单陡增70%,产品供不应求,订单应接不暇。“9·11”爆炸事件正在引爆大连路明。 “9·11”事件中世贸中心大楼的死亡人数几经更新,目前已减少到3000人左右。面对这一数字,许多人只能以“不幸”来形容;但当他们想起另有数千人在大楼倒塌前幸运地死里逃生时,“奇迹”和“成功”又成了他们脱口而出的字眼。
In recent days, Dalian Lu Ming Luminescent Technology Co., Ltd. employees to work overtime to work overtime, day and night production. Agents from Germany have come to Ben Thanh to supervise product transportation. After the “September 11” incident, “Lu Ming”’s foreign orders surged 70%. As the demand for these products fell short of demand, orders were overwhelmed. “September 11” explosion is detonating Dalian Luming. The death toll from the World Trade Center complex in the “September 11” incident has been updated to some 3,000 today. In the face of this figure, many people can only describe it as “unfortunate.” However, when they think of thousands more who were lucky enough to escape before the building collapsed, “miracles” and “successes” became blurted out by them Wording.