赠卵体外受精(in vitro fertilization,IVF)技术为卵巢早衰、遗传疾病携带及高龄不育等患者提供了生育的希望,但其所涉及的社会伦理道德问题日益受到人们的关注。本文根据中国赠卵现状及中外在卵子赠送方面已经颁布的法律法规和规章等,对中外在卵子赠送应用和管理上目前广泛受到关注的重要方面进行比较,并提出进一步完善管理的初步建议。
In vitro fertilization (IVF) has provided fertility hope for premature ovarian failure, inherited diseases and advanced infertility, but the social ethical issues involved are receiving more and more attention. Based on the current situation of egg donation in China and the laws, regulations and rules promulgated by China and other countries on egg donation, this paper compares the important aspects of application and management of egg donation between China and other countries, and puts forward some preliminary suggestions to further improve the management.