在中国与俄罗斯绵延4300多公里的边境线两侧,生活着若干历史上的同源民族,这些民族曾经拥有相对统一的语言、习俗及生产方式,但伴随国家边境线的勘分,他们衍变为跨中、俄两国而居的双边跨界民族(Bi-lateral cross-borderethnic group),中国赫哲族与俄罗斯那乃人就是其中之一。笔者在近年对中国赫哲族与俄罗斯那乃人的文化考察中发现:萨满教作为他们曾经的共同信仰,在现代生活中发生了巨大
On both sides of China’s border with Russia, which stretches for more than 4,300 kilometers, there are a number of historical homologous peoples who once belonged to a relatively unified language, custom and mode of production. However, with the national border survey, they were evolved into One of them is the Bi-lateral cross-borderethnic group, which is home to China and Russia, and the Hezhe ethnic group in China and the Russian Nairobi. In recent years, the author of the study of the Hezhe ethnic groups in China and that of the Russian Nayans found that: Shamanism, as one of their common beliefs, has taken a huge part in modern life