
来源 :广西中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianghui_one1
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一、麻疹并发白喉王某,男,3岁。于1951年初冬患麻疹,疹出才2日,出现喉痛声嘶,随即麻疹隐伏不现,高烧(体温39℃),神呆,鼻扇气喘,喉中痰鸣,烦躁不安。舌质红,苔白带黄,脉浮数。检查咽部,见咽后壁及扁桃体有灰白色假膜成片,边缘清楚,拭之不去。颈淋巴结可扪及。诊为麻疹并发白喉(时当地有白喉流行)。饲入药方,呛咳不已,从鼻孔溢出。顷刻突发口噤,两手握拳,两眼上戴,四肢厥冷,面色苍白,口唇紫绀,痰鸣气急,呈窒息状。据症征分析,此属痰厥。幸病家即药店,迅制桔梗白散(桔梗三分、川贝 First, measles concurred with diphtheria Wang, male, 3 years old. In the early winter of 1951, with measles and rash on the 2nd, there was a sore throat. Immediately, the measles did not appear hidden, and a high fever (body temperature of 39°C) occurred. He stayed in the nose, gasped his nose, and wheezy in his throat. Red tongue, yellow white fur, pulse floating number. Check the pharynx, see the posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsils have gray pseudomembrane into a film, the edge is clear, wipe it. Neck lymph nodes can be seen. Diagnosed with measles and diphtheria (prevalence of local diphtheria). Feeding prescriptions, coughing, spilling from the nostrils. At the instant, the mouth broke, fists in both hands, eyes on both eyes, cold limbs, pale, purple lips, phlegm and shortness, and suffocation. According to the analysis of symptoms, this is an embarrassment. Fortunately, the pharmacist is a pharmacy.
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