发挥人大职能作用 加快推进省域副中心城市建设

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当前,宜昌正处在转变发展方式、推进科学发展,加快建设省域副中心城市的关键时期。在这一伟大实践进程中,全市各级人大及其常委会肩负着重大的责任和使命。我们将以《中共宜昌市委关于进一步加强和改进人大工作的意见》为指导,以更加奋发有为的精 At present, Yichang is in a crucial period of transforming its mode of development, promoting scientific development and accelerating the construction of a sub-central city in the province. In this great course of practice, the people’s congresses and their standing committees at all levels in the city shoulder great responsibilities and missions. With the guidance of “Opinions of CPC Yichang Municipal Committee on Further Strengthening and Improving People’s Congress Work”, we will make more efforts