本院新生儿病房自1993年4月~1994年4月收治新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病64例,其中男41例,女23例;轻度27例,中度11例,重度26例;死亡8例,其中6例死于合并症。统计显示宫内窘迫占51.56%,其中孕母因素占9.38%,胎儿因素10.94%,生后疾病占18.75%,说明宫内窘迫是引起新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病最重要的原因,故有必要做好预防措施,如孕母保健,产前定期检查、胎儿监护等,并根据情况酌情处理,必要时终止妊娠。本病患儿有70.31%由基层医院转来,故有必要做好基层围产保健网的专业培训工作,提高保健人员识别高危妊娠的能力,并将“宫内”胎儿转到有条件的医院治疗。本 文资料显示由吸引产与产钳助产引起的分别为3.13%和9.38%,而死亡率均为37.3%,故有必要提倡尽可能不采用或尽量少采用产钳术和吸引产术,而选用剖宫产术。
The neonatal ward of our hospital from April 1993 to April 1994 were treated 64 cases of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, including 41 males and 23 females; mild in 27 cases, 11 cases of moderate, severe in 26 cases; 8 died, of which 6 died of complications. Statistics show that intrauterine distress accounted for 51.56%, of which pregnant mothers accounted for 9.38%, fetal factors 10.94%, postnatal diseases accounted for 18.75%, indicating that intrauterine distress is the most important cause of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, so there Necessary to do preventive measures, such as maternal health, regular prenatal care, fetal guardianship, etc., as appropriate, according to the situation, if necessary, terminate the pregnancy. 70.31% of the children were transferred from grassroots hospitals. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in professional training of primary perinatal health care networks, improve the ability of health workers to identify high-risk pregnancies, and transfer “intrauterine” fetuses to qualified hospitals treatment. The data in this paper show that induction and forceps midwifery caused 3.13% and 9.38%, respectively, and the mortality rate was 37.3%, it is necessary to promote the use of forceps as little as possible or minimize the use of forceps and suction production, Palace production.