New technologies in the gastrointestinal clinic and research: Impedance and high-resolution manometr

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyuan1984
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The last five years have been an exciting time in the study of esophageal motor disorders due to the recent advances in esophageal function testing. New technologies have emerged, such as intraluminal impedance, while conventional techniques, such as manometry, have enjoyed many improvements due to advances in transducer technology, computerization and graphic data presentation. While these techniques provide more detailed information regarding esophageal function, our understanding of whether they can improve our ability to diagnose and treat patients more effectively is evolving. These techniques are also excellent research tools and they have added substantially to our understanding of esophageal motor function in dysphagia. This review describes the potential benefits that these new technologies may have over conventional techniques for the evaluation of dysphagia. The last five years have been an exciting time in the study of esophageal motor disorders due to the recent advances in esophageal function testing. New technologies have emerged, such as intraluminal impedance, while conventional techniques, such as manometry, have enjoyed many improvements due to advances in transducer technology, computerization and graphic data presentation. While these techniques provide more detailed information regarding esophageal function, our understanding of whether they can improve our ability to diagnose and treat patients more effectively is evolving. These techniques are also excellent research tools and they have added substantially to our understanding of esophageal motor function in dysphagia. This review describes the potential benefits that these new technologies may have over conventional techniques for the evaluation of dysphagia.
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