Many clinical studies have addressed the treatment of acute cerebral hemorrhage using acupuncture. However, few studies have exam-ined the relationship between time of acupuncture and curative effect on cerebral hemorrhage. By observing the effect of acupuncture on changes in histopathology, ultrastructure, and neuroethology in a cerebral hemorrhage model of rats, we have directly examined the time-effect relationship of acupuncture. The rat model of cerebral hemorrhage was produced by slowly injecting autologous blood to the right caudate nucleus. The experimental groups were: 3-, 9-, 24-, and 48-hour model groups; and 3-, 9-, 24-, and 48-hour acupuncture groups. The sham-operation group was used for comparison. Acupuncture was performed at the Neiguan (PC6) and Renzhong (DU26) acupoints, twice a day, 6 hours apart, for 5 consecutive days. Brain tissue changes were observed by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Neuroethology was assessed using Bederson and Longa scores. Our results show that compared with the sham-op-eration and model groups, Bederson and Longa scores were lower in each acupuncture group, with visibly improved histopathology and brain tissue ultrastructure. Further, the results were better in the 3- and 9-hour acupuncture groups than the 24- and 48-hour acupuncture groups. Our findings show that acupuncture treatment can relieve pathological and ultrastructural deterioration and neurological impair-ment caused by the acute phase of cerebral hemorrhage, and may protect brain tissue during this period. In addition, earlier acupuncture intervention following cerebral hemorrhage (by 3 or 9 hours) is associated with a better treatment outcome.