坚定的革命信念 深厚的母子感情——黄公略的故事

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自从第一次反“围剿”战役胜利结束后,红一方面军首长估计敌人的进攻不会停止,定会组织新的更大规模的“围剿”.于是,部署全方面军分散到根据地边沿区的宜黄、乐安、南丰、广昌、宁都等地,一面整训,一面筹款,准备迎击敌人的再次进攻.不出红军所料,蒋介石于1931年1月29日,即派军政部长何应钦代行总司令职权,赴赣组织20万大军,再次“围剿”中央红军.4月下旬,黄公略军长带领红三军,经过三个月的整训筹款之后,根据总司令部的命令,集中到龙冈圩.龙冈,是黄军长在第一次反“围剿”中创立伟绩的地方.这天下午,黄军长兴致勃勃地登上龙 Since the victory of the first campaign against “encirclement and suppression” has ended, the chief of the first front of the Red Cross estimates that the attack by the enemy will not stop and will certainly organize a new and larger “encirclement campaign.” Therefore, the deployment of the all-round military forces will be dispersed to the border areas of the base areas Yi Huang, Le An, Nan Fung, Kwong Cheong, Ningdu and other places, one side of training, one side fund-raising, ready to meet the enemy’s attack again.Not out of the Red Army, Chiang Kai-shek in January 29, 1931, On behalf of the commander in chief, went to Jiangxi to organize 200,000 troops and once again “encirclement and suppression” of the Central Red Army. In late April, Huang Gongyou commander led the Red Army. After three months of training and fund-raising, according to the command of the general headquarters, Gang Wei, Long Gang, was the place where Chief Huang created his great achievements in the first anti-campaign of “encirclement and suppression.” On the afternoon of this day, Huang Junchang excitedly boarded the dragon
The admission of foreign students not only marks, but also meets the need of China’s reform and opening to the outside world. Foreign students first admitted b