
来源 :小学生时空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scyscy2001
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猫头鹰:在夏秋时节日出或黄昏时,如果猫头鹰连叫两三声,叫声像哭泣并跳跃不停,必是下雨的征兆。画眉鸟:它们嬉戏于枝头时,表明未来一段时间内天气晴好无雨;而它们一旦隐居枝间、悄然无声时,表明阴雨即来。乌鸦:雨天时,当它们发出低沉的叫声,预示着将继续下雨;它们一旦发出高亢? Owl: In the summer or autumn when the sunrise or evening, if the owl company even called two or three sound, like crying and jumping non-stop, will be a sign of rain. Thrush: When they are playing on the branches, they show that the weather will be fine and rainy in the near future. Once they have disappeared into the branches and quietly silenced, it means the rainy season is coming. Crows: When the rainy day, when they make a deep cry, indicates that it will continue to rain; once they emit high-pitched?