山西这么个穷省现在正在办着一项世界上最艰难的引水工程——万家寨引黄入晋工程。万家寨在山西西北角上的偏关县,黄河对面是内蒙古自治区。 工程有多难? 偏关县平均海拔1377米,黄河在其西边的深山谷里。从黄河边万家寨到太原、大同,是一片大山。把黄河水引到太原、大同、朔州三个工业城市,总干渠、南干渠、北干渠除了明渠、涵管,还要打192公里的穿山隧洞,其中南干渠最长的一个洞有43公里。目前世界上还没有这么长的引水隧洞。这些洞不是一般的山洞,它需要在每一秒中流过48立方米水,全年引水12亿立方米。其中主干渠的洞是5米乘5米。因为是千年大计,洞的质量要求是滴水不漏,不留隐患。因此,它是一条在大山肚子里穿行的人造大河。
Such a poor province in Shanxi is now running one of the most difficult water diversion projects in the world - Wanjiazhai Yellow River diversion project. Wanjiazhai in Shanxi Province on the northwest corner of the county off the Yellow River across the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. How difficult is the project? Piaoguan County, an average elevation of 1377 meters, the Yellow River in the western deep valleys. Wanjiazhai from the Yellow River to Taiyuan, Datong, is a mountain. The Yellow River water led to Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou three industrial cities, the main canal, the southern trunk canal, the northern trunk canal in addition to open channels, culverts, but also to play 192 kilometers of tunnels, of which the longest trunk south canal has 43 km. At present, there is not such a long diversion tunnel in the world. These caves are not typical caves, they need to flow 48 cubic meters of water per second and introduce 1.2 billion cubic meters of water a year. One of the main canal hole is 5 meters by 5 meters. Because it is a grand scheme of millennium, the quality requirements of the hole is drip leaks, leaving no hidden danger. Therefore, it is a man-made river running through the mountain.