冠心病是中老年人的常见病和多发病, 许多人认为冬季是冠心病的高发季节,而忽视夏季冠心病复发的危险性。其实,酷暑盛夏,冠心病发作导致心绞痛乃至心梗的并不少见。每年夏季,特别是天气闷热,空气中湿度升高时,常可见到冠心病患者猝死的报道。据304医院干部病房副主任夏云峰介绍,每年夏季当气温超过
Coronary heart disease is a common and frequently-occurring disease in the elderly, many people think that winter is the high incidence of coronary heart disease, while ignoring the risk of summer coronary heart disease recurrence. In fact, the summer heat, coronary heart disease leading to angina and myocardial infarction is not uncommon. Every summer, especially the hot weather, the humidity in the air, often can be seen in patients with coronary heart disease sudden death reports. According to Xia Yunfeng, deputy director of 304 hospital cadres ward introduction, the summer when the temperature exceeds