一、为害及症状 历年来,桃树白粉病在新疆各地普遍发生,不论大小桃树发病都很严重。该病主要侵害桃树地上部分的幼嫩器官,还可侵害桃幼果,尤其对李光桃幼果的为害更甚。病情严重的年份,李光桃幼果被害率高达63—100%,使果面出现大块污斑,果实生长失调,出现畸形,大大影响果品的产量和质量。 桃树的受害部位,先出现白色霉层,后形成许多黑色小粒点。白粉病菌是利用吸器从寄主表皮组织细胞中摄取养分的,这些表皮细胞死亡后即出现不同形状的木栓化龟纹状锈褐色斑块。被害叶片萎缩卷曲,且早期脱落,导致树势衰退,着果率大大降低。
First, the damage and symptoms Over the years, peach powdery mildew occurred in various places in Xinjiang, both large and small peach disease are very serious. The disease mainly infringes on the tender parts of peach trees, but also against the peach young fruit, especially for young pears Litsea damage even worse. Serious illness years, Li light peach young fruit damage rate as high as 63-100%, so that there are large pieces of fruit surface stains, fruit growth disorders, deformity, greatly affect the yield and quality of fruit. Damaged parts of peach trees, the first white mold layer, after forming many small black particles. Powdery mildew is the use of inhalers from the host epidermal tissue cells uptake of nutrients, these epidermal cells appear after the death of different shapes of corked tortoises rust brown patches. Victims of leaf shrinkage curly, and early off, leading to the decline of the tree potential, the fruit rate greatly reduced.