拍摄时间:2014年2月6日拍摄设备:Nikon D700焦距:56mm光圈:F/5曝光时间:1/80s清晨,漫步街头小镇,身处寂静祥和之境,邻家孩子天真、烂漫、羞涩而纯真的眼神,让一颗麻木寂寞的心再次温暖悸动。久违的瞬间,凝结成永恒的记忆,安放在心头久久不肯离去,每一次回味,都会让我感觉到这个世界依旧美好而真实……
Shooting time: February 6, 2014 Shooting equipment: Nikon D700 Focal length: 56mm Aperture: F / 5 Exposure time: 1 / 80s In the morning, stroll the streets of the town, in a quiet and peaceful environment, next door child naive, The innocent look, let a numb lonely heart throb again warm. Remaining moment, condensed into an eternal memory, placed in my heart for a long time refused to leave, every aftertaste, will make me feel that the world is still beautiful and real ......