1病例资料患者,男,64岁,主因“呕吐、腹泻伴喘憋1d”于2016年11月12日以“喘憋待查”由急诊收入院。患者1d前进食不洁食物,后呕吐、腹泻伴轻度喘憋,未予重视,后喘憋逐渐加重,伴呼吸困难,无胸痛及后背痛,无晕厥,自服速效救心丸症状未见缓解。既往高血压病史10年,2型糖尿病病史4年。入院查体:神志清、精神差,血压110/60 mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),心率56次/min,律齐,
1 case data patients, male, 64 years old, mainly due to “vomiting, diarrhea with wheezing 1d ” on November 12, 2016 to “awaiting investigation ” from the emergency room. Patients 1d before eating unclean food, vomiting, diarrhea with mild wheezing, did not pay attention to, after wheezing gradually increased, with respiratory difficulties, no chest pain and back pain, no syncope ease. 10 years history of previous hypertension, 2 years history of type 2 diabetes. Admission examination: conscious, poor spirit, blood pressure 110/60 mmHg (1mmHg = 0.133kPa), heart rate 56 beats / min, law Qi,