
来源 :开卷有益(求医问药) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhasrq
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便秘是人们常见的各种疾病中的一个症状,主要表现为排便次数明显减少,每2~3天或更长时间排便1次,或粪质偏干,或伴有排便不畅感。便秘患者的个人差异很大,生活方式及精神状态等都可影响排便。迄今为止,还很难给便秘下一个确切的定义,但受到便秘困扰的人却越来越多。既往便秘以老年人多见,而如今年轻人便秘也屡见不鲜了,这到底是为什么呢? Constipation is one of the most common symptoms of various diseases. It is mainly manifested as a marked decrease in the number of bowel movements, defecation every 2 to 3 days or longer, or fecal dryness or bowel movement. Patients with constipation vary greatly in personal, lifestyle and mental status can affect defecation. So far, it is difficult to define the exact definition of constipation, but more and more people are troubled by constipation. Past constipation is more common in the elderly, and now young people constipation are not uncommon, which in the end is why?