In recent years, the analysis of the accident of turning off the bus indicates that the fatigue damage of the brass cage is a major cause of the overheating of the axle box components. When inspecting the axle box and overhauling the bearing in the depot, the cage will be scrapped due to crack and breakage of the end ring. Cage damage, most of which occurs during winter operation, as the line stiffness increases and consequently the vertical inertial load acting on the axlebox and its components increases accordingly. Cracks in the cage usually occur at the juncture of the cage end rings with the beam and continue to develop parallel to the axis of the beam. We know that when the vehicle is running, the angular velocity of the roller bearing cage does not equal the axle speed. Cage speed depends on the bearing, the outer ring and the size of the roller. At this point, the cage to withstand different directions, different large