A key question about metaphorical cognitive research is: Does the metaphorical processing mechanism have distinctiveness in comparison with general speech comprehension and does the metaphorical understanding of the accompanying neurophysiological mechanisms have their unique patterns? The answer to this question needs to be distinguished from the metaphorical nature . Common familiar metaphors can be further divided into etymological metaphor and provocative metaphor, in which the metaphorical meaning of etymological metaphor belongs to one of the multiple meanings of lexical meanings, and the primal metaphor refers to the two conceptual categories The concept of non-literal semantic association. The comprehension of etymological metaphorical sentences and primed metaphorical sentences involves processing that differs from general semantic sentence understanding. Compared with the common sentence, the etymological metaphorical sentence specifically activates the left temporal gyrus, the superior temporal gyrus, and the inferior frontal gyrus related to the semantic competition, whereas the introductory metaphorical sentence in the left inferior frontal Back to more activation. The internal processing and neural mechanism of metaphor are not simple. To explore the similarities and differences between metaphor understanding and general semantic understanding need to consider the concrete metaphorical nature.