在教科书或有关报刊上,人们经常看到“知识爆炸”的提法。由于习以为常,我们在给学生上文献检索课时,也就沿用了这种提法,并参照有关教科书上的解释说:“知识爆炸”意味着知识更新快,我们现在学的许多东西,在五至八年后,就会失效。于是,有的学生就产生了疑问:既然我们现在学的知识到毕业后就基本上没用了,那现在何必去学呢?因此,我觉得有点难圆其说。下面,仅对此作点考究。“知识爆炸”一词是从外文名称引用而来的,其原称是“KnowIedge explosiou“。“knowledge”的基本涵义有4:①知识;②认识;③消息;④学科(古)。“explosion”的基本意义有3种解
In textbooks or related newspapers, people often see the ”knowledge explosion“ formulation. Because we are accustomed to, we apply this formula to students during the course of document retrieval and refer to the explanations on the textbooks: ”Explosion of knowledge“ means that knowledge is updated more quickly. Much of what we learn now, Eight years later, it will lapse. As a result, some students have questions: Since the knowledge we are now learning to basically useless after graduation, then why should we go to school? Therefore, I feel a little harder to say so. Below, just for a bit of this. The term ”explosion of knowledge“ is quoted from the foreign name, formerly known as ”KnowIedge explosiou.“ The basic meaning of ”knowledge“ is 4: ① knowledge; ② understanding; ③ news; ④ discipline (ancient). The basic meaning of ”explosion" has 3 kinds of solutions