Clinical observation of the effect of tacrolimus (Prograf) against renal allograft rejection in 294

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asjkdhfjkhasdjklfhjk
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Objective: To study the effect of tacrolimus (Prograf, FK506) in preventing renal allograft rejection. Methods: The curative effect, therapy index, toxicity and side effects of FK506 were observed in 294 renal transplant recipients among whom 268 received FK506 24 h after the operation and the other 26 with cyclosporine (CsA) developed acute rejection after transplantation and were given FK506 to replace methyl-prednisolone (MP) when the latter did not result. All the patients were given oral mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, 1. 0 g/d) and meticorten (Pred, 30 mg/d) 24 h later after operation. Results: In the 268 recipients previously mentioned, the incidence of acute rejection was 10. 45%, glycometabolism disorder 9. 33%, nervous system disturbance 1. 59%, liver function abnormality 2. 99%, nephrotoxicity 1. 87%, gastrointestinal disorder 17. 5%, cytomegalovirus (CMV) viremia 2. 99%, and non-CMV pulmonary infection 1. 59% (4/268), with 1 fatal case for cerebral hemorrhage with normal allograft function and a Objective: To study the effect of tacrolimus (Prograf, FK506) in preventing renal allograft rejection. Methods: The curative effect, therapy index, toxicity and side effects of FK506 were observed in 294 renal transplant recipients among whom 268 received FK506 24 h after the operation and the other 26 with cyclosporine (CsA) developed acute rejection after transplantation and were given FK506 to replace methyl-prednisolone (MP) when the latter did not result. All the patients were given oral mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, 1.0 g / Results: In the 268 recipients previously mentioned, the incidence of acute rejection was 10. 45%, glycometabolism disorder 9. 33%, nervous system disturbance 1. d) and meticorten (Pred, 30 mg / d) 24 h later after operation. 59% (4/268), liver function abnormality 2. 99%, nephrotoxicity 1.87%, gastrointestinal disorder 17. 5%, cytomegalovirus (CMV) viremia 2. 99%, and non-CMV pulmonary infection 1. 59% with 1 fatal case for cerebral hemorrhage with normal allogr aft function and a
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