
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhyanhz
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在对生态旅游兴起的时代背景和对已提出的多种生态旅游概念的分析与归纳的基础上,进一步清晰生态旅游的概念,以便更好地指导生态旅游实践。生态旅游目前已经成为当今世界旅游业发展的热点,是一种全新的旅游方式。生态旅游在倍受关注、并被寄予厚望的同时也招致了很多的非议。什么才是真正的生态旅游?一、生态旅游兴起的时代背景人类工业文明的迅速发展增强了人类认识和开发地球的能力,但也严重扭曲了人类与地球之间的正常关系。物质财富和 Based on the background of the era of the rise of ecotourism and the analysis and induction of many kinds of ecotourism concepts that have been proposed, the concept of ecotourism is further clarified in order to better guide the ecotourism practice. At present, ecotourism has become a hot spot in the development of tourism in the world today and is a brand new way of traveling. Ecotourism has drawn much attention and been placed high hopes on it, which has also caused a lot of criticisms. What is the real eco-tourism? First, the era of the rise of eco-tourism The rapid development of human industrial civilization has enhanced human understanding and the ability to develop the Earth, but also seriously distorted the normal relationship between mankind and the earth. Material wealth and