九江市作为全国职工医疗保障制度改革试点城市,1994年12月18日,开始全面实施经国务院批准的《九江市职工医疗社会保险暂行规定》,其主要内容是: 1.建立社会统筹医疗基金与职工个人医疗帐户相结合的制度。医疗保险费由单位和个人共同缴纳,其额度为本单位上年度实发职工工资总额与退(离)休费总额之和的11%。其中单位缴纳10%,个人(不含离退休人员)按本人工资总额的1%缴纳,由用人单位代扣代缴。公费医疗单位仍按财政拨款渠道缴纳医疗保险费。
As the pilot city for the reform of the medical insurance system for workers and staff throughout the country, Jiujiang City began to fully implement the Interim Provisions of Medical Social Insurance for Jiujiang Workers and Workers approved by the State Council on December 18, 1994. Its main contents are as follows: 1. Establishing a socially integrated medical fund and The system of combining individual medical accounts of employees. Medical insurance premiums shall be jointly paid by units and individuals, and the amount shall be 11% of the sum of the total wages of the employees and the total amount of retired (ex) retired wages incurred in the previous year. The unit pays 10%, and the individual (excluding retirees) pays 1% of his total salary, which is withheld by the employer. Publicly funded medical units still pay medical insurance premiums on the basis of financial allocation channels.