
来源 :郑铁科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:healtw
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一、引论我国国际集装箱运输起步于七十年代,现已取得了长足进步。1998年全国集装箱港口吞吐量达1300万TEU,较1981年增长了近130倍。分析表明:这些港口运量约有10~15%可经铁路实现集疏运。但是,1989年经铁路完成的运量仅占3.9%,到了1998年又降至1.1%。至于我局,情况更加严峻。1998年国务院已批准郑州东站为一类口岸站,如今,开通的二类口岸站已多达9个。可1998年完成的国际箱办理量,还不到全局集装箱运量的5.2%。1999年又下降了1.8个百分点。今年,铁道部已明确提出,国际集装箱运输要增长50%。如此巨大的反差,不能不促使我们去进行深层次地思考。前不久,笔者 I. Introduction China’s international container shipping started in the seventies and has made great strides. In 1998, the throughput of container ports nationwide reached 13 million TEU, an increase of nearly 130 times over that of 1981. The analysis shows that about 10% to 15% of these ports’ traffic can be set up by the railway. However, the volume completed by railways in 1989 only accounted for 3.9%, but dropped to 1.1% by 1998. As for my bureau, the situation is even more severe. In 1998, the State Council approved Zhengzhou East Railway Station as a type of port. Nowadays, there are as many as 9 second-class ports opened. The international container handling volume that can be completed in 1998 is less than 5.2% of the global container shipping volume. In 1999, it dropped another 1.8 percentage points. This year, the Ministry of Railways has explicitly stated that international container shipping will have to grow by 50%. Such a huge contrast, can not but urge us to go deep thinking. Not long ago, I