卖报纸的小孩令高明心疼 如果你第一次见到高明,他给你的第一个印象一定会让你感觉很亲切、很随和,成名前的他和现在的他没有什么大变化,依旧是山东大汉的爽朗、率直和善良。记得高明还在市体校训练的时候,在每天回家的必经之路总能看见一个不大的小孩吆喝着满大街卖报纸,每次高明见到总要驻足看上他一会儿,看着那个和自己年龄相当的小孩,没书读不说还要在外面卖报纸,心里酸酸的,虽然他平时不常看报纸,但还是坚持每天去找那个小孩买份报纸,高明总觉得这样可以帮上他一把。没过多久,十五岁的高明第一次发了300元的工资,拿着这300块钱高明兴冲冲地跑回了家,围着爸爸的身边转来转去,高爸爸一看就知道小家伙有事要和自己说,高明见爸爸看出了自己的心思便对他说出了最近常看见的那个小男孩,想以后每月发工资的时候资助他100
If you first see clever, the first impression he gave you will surely make you feel very friendly, very easy-going, before he became famous and now he is no big change, is still Shandong Han hearty, straightforward and kind. I remember clever when still in the municipal school training, the only way to go home every day can always see a small child shouting at the streets selling newspapers, always see each other clever to see him for a while, watching The child, who is quite the same age as himself, did not read books but sold newspapers outside. Although he often did not read the newspapers, he insisted on finding the children to buy newspapers every day. Help him. Soon after, fifteen-year-old brilliant first made a 300 yuan salary, holding the 300 dollars shrewdly ran home, around my father turned around, high-fat father to see that Small things to say to myself, clever to see my father saw his mind then told him that the boy often seen recently, want to send him a monthly salary to fund him 100