
来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flypig2
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任务型教学在我国的外语教学中有一定新发展,但是在其实施过程中,一些教师在理解上和实施上,还存在很多误区。这些误区主要有:对任务型教学概念认识模糊、把任务等同于练习、把任务型教学当成能治百病的灵丹妙药、不考虑实际,将任务绝对化、缺乏科学管理和合理分工,小组活动流于形式、教学环节僵化、生搬硬套教材,语言缺乏生活气息和灵活性等。本文针对这些误区进行了研究和剖析。 Task-based teaching in our country’s foreign language teaching has a certain new development, but in its implementation process, some teachers in understanding and implementation, there are still many errors. These misunderstandings are: fuzzy understanding of the concept of task-based teaching, the task is equivalent to practice, the task-based teaching as a panacea can cure all diseases, regardless of the actual, the task of absolute, the lack of scientific management and rational division of labor, the flow of group activities In the form of rigid teaching, rigid materials, language, lack of life style and flexibility. This article has carried on the research and the analysis to these misunderstandings.
摘要: 本文就調控学习策略在英语教学过程中的运用作探析,旨在阐述该策略运用对提高学生英语学习统筹协调和优化综合运用能力的作用。围绕计划协调帮助学生优化英语学习认知理解过程,促进学生英语自主学习与多元学习探究能力内化生成。调控学习策略的运用能够便于学生在学习和使用英语过程中更好掌握语言知识内在结构和逻辑思路,形成适合自己学习的思维和方法,满足其语言学习的发展需要。  关键词: 初中英语教学 调