在人工耳蜗植入中插入足够数量的电极是非常重要的。但在一些由于脑膜炎、颞骨骨折、先天性畸形、耳硬化症等原因引起的耳聋患者 ,耳蜗鼓阶因闭塞而导致电极插入困难。本文对连续 2 0 0例人工耳蜗术术中 4例因鼓阶闭塞而行前庭阶植入的患者进行了评估。手术方法采用常规经乳突
It is important to insert a sufficient number of electrodes in cochlear implants. However, in some patients with deafness due to meningitis, fractures of the temporal bone, congenital malformations and otosclerosis, the insertion of the cochlear implants becomes difficult due to occlusion. In this paper, 4 consecutive patients with cortical occlusion underwent anterior chamber implantation in 200 consecutive cochlear implants. Surgical methods used by the mastoid