
来源 :中国慢性病预防与控制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yumenglu
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目的了解青少年罪犯的人格特点,为早期预防青少年犯罪,为相关部门开展有针对性的健康教育提供依据。方法以天津市少年管教所的378名青少年罪犯为犯罪组,抽取某普通中学410名14~18岁高中生为对照组,采用艾森克个性问卷对其进行团体施测并进行比较。结果犯罪组与常模比较,精神质(P)评分6.91,神经质(N)评分11.59,高于常模组的5.50、9.40分,外向性(E)评分13.04,掩饰性(L)评分11.16,低于常模组的17.60、13.20分(P<0.01)。P、E、L评分高于对照组(1.46、6.39、10.13分),N评分低于对照组(13.33分),差别有统计学意义(P<0.01)。不同犯罪类型各个维度之间差别无统计学意义。犯罪青少年家庭不完整组的P评分(7.38分)高于家庭完整组(6.69分)。城市青少年罪犯E评分(13.60分)高于农村(12.67分),L评分(10.56分)低于农村(11.48分)。结论犯罪青少年的个性特征为精神质、很难适应外部环境、人际关系不良、焦虑、担忧、掩饰性强。家庭环境对青少年的个性特征有影响。农村青少年罪犯相对内向,掩饰性强。 Objective To understand the personality traits of juvenile delinquents and provide evidences for early warning of juvenile delinquency and for carrying out targeted health education in relevant departments. Methods A total of 378 juvenile criminals from Tianjin Juvenile Correctional Institution were enrolled as criminal group. 410 high school students from 14 to 18 years old from a general secondary school were selected as the control group. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire was used to conduct group testing and comparison. Results The scores of psychoticism (P), neuroticism (N) were 11.59 in the criminal group compared with the norm, which were higher than those of the normal group (5.50,9.40), the extroversion (E) 13.04 and the masking (L) 17.60 and 13.20 points lower than that of the normotensive group (P <0.01). P, E, L score higher than the control group (1.46,6.39,10.13 points), N score lower than the control group (13.33 points), the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). There was no significant difference between the different dimensions of different crime types. The P score (7.38 points) in the incomplete family of criminal adolescents was higher than that of the complete family (6.69 points). Urban young offenders E score (13.60 points) higher than in rural areas (12.67 points), L score (10.56 points) lower than in rural areas (11.48 points). Conclusion The personality traits of delinquent teenagers are psychotic, hard to adapt to the external environment, poor interpersonal relationships, anxiety, anxiety and disguise. Family environment has an impact on the personality traits of adolescents. Rural juvenile offenders are relatively introverted and have a high degree of masking.
青皮,就是刚下树,还没有去皮的核桃。如今在文玩核桃圈里,随着文玩核桃身价犹如做了火箭炮,一飞冲天,“赌青皮”开始走红,三四年前赌一对青皮只需要几十元,而如今至少要千元起步!“赌青皮”着实有点疯狂。  不到一小时,至少万元进了老板的钱箱  在十里河天娇文化城,大大小小贩卖核桃的商户有几十家,最吸引人的还是露天赌青皮的摊位。人称“核桃杨”的杨洋在圈里小有名气,用来赌青皮的品种是蟠龙狮子头,肚大好看,价