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一、前言在市场经济中生存的企业面临着激烈的市场竞争,企业的经营风险也不可忽视地存在着。为此,国际会计准则与市场经济发达的西方各国的会计准则和我国的会计准则中都包含了谨慎性原则。该原则要求会计核算要合理地核算可能发生的费用或损失,并予以入帐。准备金即为体现这一会计原则的道具。日本企业在竞争激烈的国际市场上取得了稳定的发展,日本的企业会计制度对日本企业的发展起了较好的支持作用。日本企业会计制度中的准备金的种类很多,使用范围广,为提高日本企业承受经营风险的能力,改善日本企业的财务状况起了有益的作用。本文着重介绍日本企业提取准备金的情况,以期它能为我国的企业提供值得参考的经验。二、准备金及其设置条件准备金是为了正确地计算期间损益而产生的。按收入与费用配比原则和谨慎性原则,应该是与本期收入相对应的费用或损失,即使它本期还没有具体发生,但它在未来发生的可能性很高,并且其发生的原因是本期决算日以前事项所引起的。这时,若其发生的金额能合理地估算,就必须将该估算的费用或损失计入本期,并同时将该数额预提记入准备金。 I. Introduction Enterprises that survive in a market economy are faced with fierce market competition and their business risks can not be neglected. Therefore, both the international accounting standards and the developed market economy have adopted the principle of prudence in their accounting standards in our country and in our country’s accounting standards. The principle requires that accounting should be reasonable accounting of possible costs or losses, and be recorded. Reserve is the embodiment of this accounting principle of props. Japanese enterprises have made steady progress in the highly competitive international market, and Japanese corporate accounting system has played a good supporting role in the development of Japanese enterprises. There are many kinds of reserves in Japan’s accounting system for business use and a wide range of uses. This has played a useful role in improving the ability of Japanese enterprises to withstand operational risks and improving the financial position of Japanese enterprises. This article focuses on the situation of Japanese companies withdrawing their reserves in the hope that it will provide our companies with valuable experience. Second, the reserves and set conditions The provision for the correct calculation of profit and loss generated during the period. The principle of proportionality and prudence in terms of income and expenses should be a fee or a loss corresponding to current income, even though it has not yet happened in the current period, but it is highly probable that it will occur in the future and its causes This is the end of the current issue caused by the matter. At this time, if the amount incurred can be reasonably estimated, the estimated cost or loss must be included in the current period and the amount should be accrued to the reserve at the same time.
1 研制目的将往复式运动转换成旋转运动的曲轴是承受高负荷的零件,通常使用铁(钢)系材料。其中,作为大批量或柴油机等使用的曲轴,从强度、耐久性方面考虑则使其成为既笨重,
春节是中国最具代表性的传统节日。小时候家里穷,连生日也没过过,所以那时的我对“逢年过节”这个词的理解就是“过年”,过年就是过节。也只有年才是节日。因为一年中几乎只过春节,所以春节也就显得特别隆重,不但大人们重视。就连才会说话的孩子也知道,过年意味着可以尽情地吃喝、走亲戚、得压岁钱、穿新嘎嘎(新衣服)……  过年要先蒸馍。过年的时候人们都很清闲,一天除了三顿饭,剩下的就是玩儿,所以得在年前就把馍蒸好
9月10日 晴  夜幕垂下,银月当空。  我提起二胡,坐在阳台上。聆听这世界在喧闹了一天后究竟想说些什么。其实夜晚的寂静并非全然无声,那是由一种如泡沫般细腻、薄纱般绵密的声响所编织而成的。幽幽琴声随着空气的存在,比醇酒更迷人,比鲜花更芳香,荡漾在我心中,不逝,犹如那些它与我同行的日子。  记得初上二胡课,在老师的指点下,我极力保持姿势,紧捏弓子,贴着琴筒轻轻试拉,随之发出微不可闻的共鸣沙哑而沉闷。
12月8日 晴  我爱山水,山水怡情。我非仁者,但我爱山;我非智者,但我爱水。  我爱家乡的旖旎风光,山山水水。我的家乡有雄奇的穿岩十九峰,有深不见底的千丈幽谷,有古老的大佛寺。站在朝阳亭旁,眺望远方,连绵的群山将这个小城包了起来。大佛寺就在苍翠的群山中。沿着幽静的小道,感受曲径通幽,体会古老的佛教文化。每天清晨.都有男女老少在大佛寺中散步、取乐、运动,别有一番风趣。  我站在高大巍峨的穿岩十九峰