各省、市、自治区、计划单列市联社: 国务院办公厅2000年12月23日《关于印发国家经贸委管理的国家局机构改革和国家经贸委机关内设机构调整方案的通知》(国办发[2000]81号)已明确“保留中华全国手工业合作总社牌子,与中国轻工业行业协会联合会合署办公”,保留了中华全国手工业合作总社的机构。为了更好地促进各级联社的改革和发展,现就有关问题紧急通知如下:
Municipalities, municipalities, autonomous regions, and cities under separate planning: The General Office of the State Council issued the Circular of the State Council on the Issuance of Circulars on the Institutional Reform of State Bureaus and the Adjustment of Internal Organizations of the State Economic and Trade Commission Organizations under the Administration of the State Economic and Trade Commission on December 23, 2000. [2000] No. 81) has made it clear that “reserve the brand name of China National Handicrafts Cooperative Association and co-operate with the China Light Industry Industry Association Federation” and retain the organization of the China National Handicrafts Cooperative. In order to better promote the reform and development of the cascade companies, the relevant emergency notices are as follows: