为明确西北黄土高原半干旱雨养条件下,玉米整秆带状覆盖适宜的秸秆覆盖量,以露地种植为对照(CK),研究了4种覆盖量(T_1:6 750kg/hm~2,T_2:9 000kg/hm~2,T_3:11 250kg/hm~2,T_4:13 500kg/hm~2)对旱地冬小麦土壤水分和产量的影响。结果表明:4种覆盖量较CK显著增产12.1%~23.3%,提高水分利用效率13.4%~26.8%。产量与单位面积穗数呈显著正相关(r=0.937),整秆带状覆盖较CK可显著(除T_3)提高单位面积穗数10.4%~19.0%,以T_2单位面积穗数最高。全生育期0—200cm土层平均含水量4种覆盖量均显著高于CK,较CK高0.7~1.0个百分点,以T_1土壤水分状况最好。4种覆盖量可显著改善灌浆前0—200cm土壤墒情,但从灌浆期开始0—90cm土壤含水量普遍不如CK。4种覆盖量间,以T_2全生育期0—60cm土壤墒情最好,且其增产和提高水分利用效率效果也最显著。
In order to clarify the suitable straw mulching of strands of corn stalks under the conditions of semi-arid rainfed nourishment on the Loess Plateau of Northwest China, four kinds of cover (T 1: 6 750kg / hm 2, T 2 : 9 000kg / hm ~ 2, T_3: 11 250kg / hm ~ 2, T_4: 13 500kg / hm ~ 2) on soil water and yield of winter wheat in dryland. The results showed that: the coverage of four kinds of plants increased significantly by 12.1% -23.3% and increased the water use efficiency by 13.4% -26.8% compared with CK. There was a significant positive correlation between yield and spikes per unit area (r = 0.937), and the stalk coverage was significantly higher than that of CK (except T_3). The spikes per unit area were 10.4% ~ 19.0%. During the whole growth period, the average cover water content of 0-200cm layer was significantly higher than that of CK, 0.7 ~ 1.0% higher than that of CK. The soil water content of T_1 was the best. Four kinds of coverage could significantly improve the soil moisture content 0-200cm before grouting, but generally 0-90cm soil water content from the beginning of grain filling stage was inferior to CK. The soil moisture content of 0-60cm in T_2 whole growth period was the best, and its yield and water use efficiency were the most significant.