山西太原市尖草坪区人武部操场上,人们常常能看到一个忙碌的身影,他时而同年轻人一起列队跑操,时而又为年轻人示范摸爬滚打,他就是被人们誉为“山西省军区最老也最优秀的部长”樊振秋。 “人活着就是要对社会有所贡献” 老樊是天津市人,1962年,他冲着蒋介石要反攻大陆的叫嚣,毅然报名参军。入伍后,他所在的独立师要求每个官兵留下遗书,随时准备开赴前线。战士们有给父母写的,有给女朋友写的。樊振秋的遗书却与众不同,只有一句话“当了兵就没有打算再回
Shanxi Taiyuan Jiancaoping District People’s Armed Forces playground, people often see a busy figure, he sometimes lined up with the young run running, and sometimes for the young model fought, he was hailed as “Shanxi Provincial military region’s oldest and most outstanding minister ”Fan Zhenqiu. “People are alive to make a contribution to society.” Fan was a native of Tianjin. In 1962, he directed Chiang Kai-shek’s counterattack to the mainland clamor and decided to join the army. After joining the army, his independent division demanded that each soldier leave a suicide note and be ready to go to the front line. Soldiers have to write to their parents, to write a girlfriend. Fan Zhenqiu’s suicide note is different, only one sentence “When the soldiers did not intend to go back.”