深静脉系统(DVS)血栓形成导致双侧大面积梗塞是极其罕见的。作者报告1例经 CT 证实的病人。女,30岁,既往身体健康,口服避孕药3年,复发性头痛和一过性视物模糊,3个月后头痛突然加重24小时入院。入院后随即昏迷,去大脑强直,潮式呼吸,双侧 Babinski 征阳性。限底镜检查双侧视乳头水肿。未增强 CT 扫描显示双侧基底节、丘脑和邻近白质大片低密度影,大脑内静脉、Galen 静脉和直窦都有显著的自发性高密度影,提示深静脉系统广泛血栓形成。增强 CT 扫描上述征象无变化。病人数小时后死亡。实验室检查排除了全身性疾病和静脉窦血栓形成的其他原因。
Deep venous system (DVS) thrombosis leads to bilateral large infarcts are extremely rare. The authors report 1 patient confirmed by CT. Female, 30 years old, past physical health, oral contraceptives 3 years, recurrent headache and transient blurred vision, 3 months after headache suddenly aggravated 24 hours admission. Immediately after admission, coma, to brain rigidity, tidal breathing, bilateral Babinski sign positive. Limit endoscopy double-sided papilledema. Unpredictable CT scans showed large basal ganglia, hypothalamus and adjacent white matter density densities, intracerebral veins, Galen veins and straight sinus with significant spontaneous hyperintensity, suggesting extensive thrombosis in the deep venous system. Enhanced CT scan no change in the above signs. The patient dies after hours. Laboratory tests rule out other causes of systemic disease and venous sinus thrombosis.