才看过国内 IT 行业人士写的一篇妙文《数字崔健》,又听到了海外财经专家另外一种有趣的说法——“把张学友证券化”。从理论上说,任何有收益的资产,只要适合市场需要都可以证券化。国外资本市场的现实也是,按揭证券、信用卡证券以及购车贷款证券等等一些新的金融衍生产品,已经或正在出现。在美国,更是有了千奇百怪的证券化趋势,甚至包括作家证券化和歌星证券化。张学友当然也可以证券化!作为流行歌手,他当红超过了十年,他的旧唱片每年仍有一定的销量;而更重要的是,张学友现在仍然很红,预计他将来
Only read the domestic IT industry write a wonderful article “Digital Cui Jian”, but also heard another interesting statement overseas financial experts - “Jacky Cheung securitization.” In theory, any profitable asset can be securitized as long as it suits the needs of the market. The reality of foreign capital markets is that some new derivatives such as mortgage securities, credit card securities and car loan securities have been or are emerging. In the United States, there is even a curious trend of securitization, including the securitization of writers and securitization of singers. Jacky Cheung, of course, can also securitize! As a pop singer, he popular for more than a decade, his old record still has a certain volume of sales each year; more importantly, Jacky Cheung is still very red, is expected to him