腹膜后非功能性副神经节瘤为罕见的低恶度肿瘤,也有人命名为恶性非嗜铬性副神经节瘤、腹膜后化学感受器瘤等。我院收治1例,报告如下: 患者,女,19岁。两年前上腹不适,进食后有饱胀感并扪到上腹部肿物,曾经X线及超声波诊为胰腺囊肿。查体:体温36.5℃,血压120/80 m mHg.心率84次/分,一般情况良好,胰淀粉酶16单位,血糖103mg/dl。于剑突下扪及手掌大及核桃大肿物,实性、边界不清,另于右肋缘下锁骨中线处亦有一核桃大肿物,质硬,表面不甚光滑,略有压痛。
Retroperitoneal non-functional paraganglioma is a rare low-grade tumor, and it was also named malignant non-chromatid paraganglioma, retroperitoneal chemoreceptor tumor. In our hospital, 1 case was reported as follows: Patient, female, 19 years old. Two years ago, she had a discomfort in her upper abdomen. She had a feeling of fullness after eating, and had a swollen upper abdominal mass. X-ray and ultrasound were used as pancreatic cysts. Physical examination: Body temperature 36.5°C, blood pressure 120/80 m mHg. Heart rate 84 beats/min, generally good, pancreatic amylase 16 units, blood glucose 103 mg/dl. In the xiphoid ridge and palm large and large walnut mass, solid, unclear boundary, and also in the right costal margin of the midline of the clavicle is also a large walnut mass, hard, the surface is not very smooth, slightly tender.