
来源 :中国医学文摘(皮肤科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang19890922
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1临床资料患者女,20岁,学生。发热、关节痛、皮疹1月余。1个月前发热、咽痛、四肢关节疼痛及肌肉酸痛,面部、躯干、四肢出现红斑、风团、瘙痒,皮损多于发热时出现。患病以来无口腔溃疡史、光敏史、雷诺现象等,无咳嗽咳痰,无尿频尿急,无皮肤黏膜出血点。当地医院按“风湿热”予以青霉素、头孢等抗生素输液治疗两周, 1 Clinical data Female patient, 20 years old, student. Fever, joint pain, rash more than 1 month. 1 month ago, fever, sore throat, joint pain and muscle soreness, facial, trunk, limbs appear erythema, wind group, itching, skin lesions occur more than fever. No history of oral ulcers since the onset of history, photosensitive history, Raynaud’s phenomenon, no cough and sputum, no urinary frequency urgency, no skin mucosal bleeding. Local hospital press “rheumatic fever ” to penicillin, cephalosporin and other antibiotics infusion for two weeks,