我科对88例患者的子宫附件肿块(共108个)进行术前B 超诊断,与开腹时情况,术后肿块标本检查所见及病理切片对照.其结果是术前超声诊断与病理分类完全符合的48个(44.4%);基本符合的41个(38.0%);不符合的13个(12.0%);另超声诊断假阴性6个(5.6%).凡附件肿块有特征性大体形态改变的,其声像图也有特征性表现,可据此声像图改变做出病理诊断。如成熟的囊性畸胎瘤、多房性粘液性囊腺瘤.巧克力囊肿和恶性卵巢肿瘤等.
88 cases of uterine tumor mass in our department (total of 108) were diagnosed by preoperative ultrasonography, which was compared with the open situation, postoperative tumor mass examination and pathological section.The results were preoperative ultrasonography and pathological classification 48 (44.4%) were consistent, 41 (38.0%) were consistent, 13 (12.0%) were not eligible, and 6 (5.6%) were false-negative by ultrasound. Change, its sonographic features are also characteristic, according to which the sonogram changes to make pathological diagnosis. Such as mature cystic teratoma, multilocular mucinous cystadenoma, chocolate cyst and malignant ovarian tumors.