一、从培训入手,努力提高干部战士农业技术素质 我军是从1986年建立全军农业技术推广体系的。当时从事农副业生产的广大干部、战士绝大多数不熟悉农业知识,有部分同志甚至没有种过地,农业新技术如何推广成为一大难题。刚成立的全军各级农业技术推广站决心从零开始,以培
I. Beginning with training and making efforts to improve the technical quality of cadres and soldiers in agriculture Our army established the PLA’s agricultural extension system in 1986. At that time, most cadres and soldiers engaged in the production of agriculture and sideline products were not familiar with agricultural knowledge. Some of the comrades did not even have planted it. How to popularize agricultural new technologies has become a major challenge. The just-established PLA agricultural technical extension station at all levels is determined to start from scratch