
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HOHO333
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职业教育的跨界性决定了职业教育发展的必然出路在于与产业和企业的深度合作,而能将目的、性质完全不同的社会组织真正实现对接必须依靠政府的强力主导。对政府在职业教育产学合作中主导职能的实效进行考量可知,政府主导职能失位导致的参与各方合力不足、动力不足及无法可依等问题,其根源在于制度的缺失。因此,要实现职业教育的深度产学合作,一是必须构建职业教育产学合作法规框架,二是应构建各层次、全方位的财税政策体系,三是应健全政府投入为主的多渠道经费保障机制,四是设立国家和地方性发展专项基金,五是构架职业教育产学合作的运行机制,以此提升政府主导职能实效性的制度调适策略。 The trans-boundary of vocational education determines that the inevitable way for the development of vocational education lies in the in-depth cooperation with industry and enterprises. However, it is necessary to rely on the government’s strong leadership to truly connect the social organizations with different purposes and nature. Considering the effectiveness of the government’s leading function in the industry-university-industry cooperation in vocational education, we can see that the root causes of the problems are the lack of cooperation, lack of motivation and unmanageability of the parties involved due to the government-led dislocation. Therefore, in order to realize the deep industry-academia cooperation in vocational education, it is necessary to set up a framework of laws and regulations on cooperation between industry and education in vocational education. Second, we should establish a fiscal and taxation policy system at all levels and in all respects. Thirdly, we should improve the multi- Fourthly, a special fund for state and local development should be set up. The fifth is to set up a mechanism for the operation-to-business cooperation between vocational education and production so as to improve the system adjustment strategy for the effectiveness of government-led functions.
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