一、初试夜钓 7月盛夏,骄阳似火。白天到水库钓鱼酷热难忍。几个钓友一商量去雪野水库夜钓。下班后大家聚齐拿起渔具,匆匆上路。 雪野水库位于山东省莱芜市城北,水库依山蜿蜒,风景如画。由于水库养殖业非常发达,自然水域的鱼类密度很大。据常去的钓友讲,一天钓七八千克鱼是很容易的事。 乘车1个多小时,晚上9点多钟到达水库上游的一个小山村西站里。一下车大家就傻了眼,一幅“钓鱼大会战”的场面映入眼帘。岸边上百支海竿林立,
First, the first test night fishing July summer, the sun seems like a fire. Fishing to the reservoir during the day was unbearable. A few fishing friends to discuss a snowy night fishing. After work everyone gathered to take up fishing gear, hurriedly on the road. Xueye Reservoir is located in the north of Laiwu City, Shandong Province, the reservoir winding mountain, picturesque. Due to the well-developed reservoir aquaculture, the density of fish in natural waters is high. According to frequent fishing friends, fishing seven or eight kilograms of fish a day is an easy task. More than 1 hour by car, more than 9 o’clock in the evening arrived at the reservoir upstream of a small village west station. Get out of the car everyone was foolhardy, a scene of “fishing conference” greeted. On the shore hundreds of seahorses everywhere,