印制《西双版纳风光》邮票(下) 第3图的印版制好后,就上机准备正式打样,为了达到浓郁、厚实、鲜亮的效果,我特别交待领机同志,油墨全部用4原色原墨加溶剂,不要掺和其他颜色的油墨。我们开动机器慢慢地试样,不断印出来的样张显示墨色和层次都有点乱,仔细查看一下,领机同志惊呼“糊版了!”马上停机,用溶剂洗清印版,测试油墨粘度后,发现溶剂内乙醇比例还是太大,挥发得太快,油墨都于在版纹内,以致糊版了。我们立即在溶剂内加上一定比例的蒸馏水,经调整后,继续开机打样,这次不糊
Printed “Xishuangbanna scenery” stamp (below) Figure 3 version of the system is good, on the machine ready for proofing, in order to achieve rich, thick, bright effect, I specifically confessed to the captain comrades, all with 4 primary colors of ink Ink solvent, do not mix with other colors of ink. We started the machine slowly sample, constantly printed proofs showed a bit messy color and level, a closer look, airborne comrades exclaimed “Paste version!” Immediately shut down, wash the plate with solvent to test the ink viscosity After the solvent was found to be too large proportion of ethanol, volatile too fast, the ink is in the plate pattern, resulting in a paste version. We immediately add a certain percentage of distilled water in the solvent, after adjustment, continue to boot proofing, this time not paste