The properties of speckle-field emitted from a single multim-ode optic fiber (SMOF) and multimode fiber-optic boundles (MFOB) underillumination of He-Ne laser light are presented. The difference among thepeckle-fields emitted from MFOB which consist of fibers with differentcore diameters is dis cussed, and compared with the speckle-fields of a frot-ted glass plate. The applicability of specklc-field in optic measurement andinformation processing, and the rightness of conclusions have been provedby experiments.
The properties of speckle-field emitted from a single multim-ode optic fiber (SMOF) and multimode fiber-optic bounds (MFOB) underillumination of He-Ne laser light are presented. The difference among thepeckle-fields emitted from MFOB which consist of fibers with differentcore diameters is dis cussed, and compared with the speckle-fields of a frot-ted glass plate. The applicability of specklc-field in optic measurement and information processing, and the rightness of conclusions have been proved by experiments.