
来源 :农村生态环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaiyiyang9708
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本文介绍上海市松江县五里塘生态场沼气生产系统采用玻璃温室保温,实现沼气周年均衡生产的经验。作者认为,充分利用当地光能资源是实现沼气周年运转的途径,温室的保温是沼气生产系统维持正常运转的关键。 This paper introduces the experience of biogas production system of Wuliatang eco-farm in Songjiang County, Shanghai, using glasshouse insulation to achieve annual balanced production of biogas. The author believes that making full use of local solar energy resources is the way to realize annual operation of biogas. The insulation of greenhouse is the key to maintain normal operation of biogas production system.
Using SEM and EDS some particles containing La and P were discovered in low oxygen and sulfur purity steel with lanthanum. In these particles low melting point
The effect of Mn substitution on phase structure, hydrogen hydriding/dehydriding properties (plateau pressure and slope) and reaction heat enthalpy of LaNi4.25-
Aluminum alloys are typical nonlinear materials, and consequently bending members made of this material exhibit a nonlinear behavior. Most design codes do not p
[“术”材展示]  道德绑架,是指以道德为砝码,要挟个人或众人不得不做某些事情。  在關于道德的讨论中,一个群体声嘶力竭地主张某种道德,另一个群体可能就觉得自己被“绑架”了。  “道德绑架”往往是公领域道德对私领域权利的侵犯。道德往往需要人们让渡一定权利,但是这种让渡必须是自愿、非强迫的。道德主张应当以尊重权利为前提,不能用道德剥夺一个人的权利,更不能用标签逼迫一个人放弃权利。  [ 运用方向] 
1.如图1,AB∥CD,AD∥BC,则下列各式不一定正确的是( ).  A.∠1+∠2=180° B.∠2+∠3=180°  C.∠3+∠4=180° D.∠2+∠4=180°  2.如图2,在△ABC和△DBC中,∠2=∠1,∠A=60°,則∠ACD的度数是( ).  A. 50° B. 120°  C. 130° D. 无法确定  3.如图3,在四边形ABCD中,AB=CD,BA和CD的延长线
四川省一九八八年优秀软件评比工作定于今年6月份开始,现将有关事项通知如下:一、申请参加四川省优秀软件评比的软件,必须是在四川省软件管理登记中心 Sichuan Provincial
用豇豆(Vigna unguiculata)、田菁(Sesbania aculeata)和柽麻(Crotolaria,juncea)改良碱性砂壤土(Udic Ustochrept)的磷吸附特性,经过20天和40天培育后测定。被吸附的磷量因