来源 :核化学与放射化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dwqxq1234
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研究了二(2,4,4三甲基戊基)二硫代膦酸(HBTMPDTP)磷酸三丁酯(TBP)煤油(OK)从pH=2~4的10molLNaNO3介质中萃取示踪量镅的行为。结果表明,HBTMPDTPTBP体系有明显的协萃效应。考察了HBTMPDTP和TBP浓度及平衡水相pH值对镅的分配比的影响,用斜率法测定了协萃配合物的组成为:AmA3·HA·TBP。计算了协萃平衡常数并讨论了萃取机理。 The extraction of tracer amount 镅 from 10molLNaNO3 media with pH = 2-4 was studied with kerosene (TBP) of bis (2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) dithiophosphonic acid (HBTMPDTP) behavior. The results show that HBTMPDTPTBP system has a significant synergistic effect. The effects of the concentrations of HBTMPDTP and TBP and the equilibrium pH on the distribution ratio of 镅 were investigated. The composition of the complex was determined by the slope method as follows: AmA3 · HA · TBP. The equilibrium constant was calculated and the extraction mechanism was discussed.
胡向明用了8年的时间,将微量子爽目卡从艰涩难懂的理论变成了漂亮实用的产品,并成功地在视环保领域占领了一席之地。今天坐在宽敞明亮的会议室里,提起当年的创业历程,他仍然对当时的“艰辛”甚至“残酷”记忆犹新。    研发成功    看中学时候的成绩单,谁都觉得我是个学理科的料。可我没有上高中,而是上了中专。中专毕业后,工作了两年多,之后决定辞职参加全国统一高考。那时只有几个月复习时间,我就选了文科,结果