面对市场经济的发展和我国加入WTO ,电力施工企业要想在市场中求得生存和发展必须加强企业的标准化管理工作。作为一门新兴管理科学 ,企业标准化管理是一项系统工程 ,它是企业实现自身目标管理的重要保证。只有全面推行企业标准化管理 ,电力施工企业才能真正提高施工质量 ,才有可能在市场竞争中取得优势
Faced with the development of market economy and China’s accession to the WTO, electric power construction enterprises must strengthen their standardized management in order to survive and develop in the market. As an emerging management science, enterprise standardization management is a systematic project, which is an important guarantee for the enterprise to realize its own goal management. Only the full implementation of standardized management of enterprises, electric construction companies can really improve the quality of construction, it is possible to gain the advantage in the market competition